Gay bars nyc friday night

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Men look in the mirror at the bathroom at the Q. New York City favorites in the queer bar scene, like Therapy, Bedlam NYC, Boxers in Hell's Kitchen, and 9th Avenue Saloon, are some of the many that fell victim to the virus' economic impact.

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Unfortunately, some of the city's most beloved gay bars were also forced to shutter their dance floors and party spaces. The New York Times reported that 2,800 small businesses closed in New York City since March 1, 2020, and estimated that bars and restaurants accounted for one-third of that total. Unfortunately, once the pandemic forced bars to shut down, I was left feeling disconnected from a community of people I felt so comfortable around. the next morning.Īs a gay man, gay bars are where I have my best nights out - and where I tend to enjoy the music the most. My friends and I would usually end up having a blast, and we'd dance until 3 or 4 a.m. Usually, we would end up somewhere in Hell's Kitchen, which is known as one of New York's most thriving gay neighborhoods because of its many gay bars and clubs.

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Before the coronavirus pandemic upended any semblance of a going-out lifestyle, I would exclusively recommend gay bars to my friends looking for fun nights out in New York City.

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